The biggest financial news stories of 2013

The biggest financial news stories of 2013 · Daily Ticker

2013 was a year full of IPOs, governmental disasters, taper madness, market highs and more (seriously, how many new market highs can one year have?).

The Yahoo Finance staff reminisced about the past 12 months, recounting their favorite financial news stories.


The Affordable Care Act was a topic of intense scrutiny and debate this year. From a faulty website to increased healthcare costs, the nation's healthcare law has been riddled with controversy all year long.

Want a refresher? Check out these links:

Obamacare’s Unintended Losers

Obamacare Working Even Better Than Peter Orszag Expected

Obamacare: Worst Law Passed in Four Decades Must Be Stopped, Says Stockman

Obamacare: Separating Truth from Fiction – Here’s What You Need to Know

4 Ways to Fix Obamacare

Grading Obamacare: Why the Government Should (and Shouldn’t) Control Health Care Coverage

Fed Taper

Will they or won’t they? That was the question asked before nearly every FOMC meeting this year.  After 12 months of drama, outgoing Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke announced in December that the central bank would begin to taper its bond-buying program by $10 billion a month…and the markets didn’t even blink.

Relive the drama here:

Taper or Not, America Is "Better Off" for What the Fed Has Done: Roger Altman

Jim Rickards: Don’t worry Wall Street, the Fed’s (still) got your back

Fed Tapering Will Cause Markets to Freak Out: Heidi Moore

Ignore Feldstein, Fed Should Taper in 2014: Dean Baker

Fed Tapering: Economy Without QE May Not Look Much Different, Here’s Why

Debt Ceiling/Fiscal Cliff/Government Shutdown

Our friends in Washington certainly stirred the pot this year. We began 2013 with a little fiscal cliff drama and ended the year with a debt-ceiling crisis and a 16-day government shutdown.

Revisit all of the D.C. drama here:

Republicans Should ‘Take Hostages’ Over Debt Ceiling; U.S. Won’t Default, Says Stockman

Debt Ceiling Debate: Does Wall Street Believe the U.S. Could Default?

Government Shutdown: Good News or Bad News for the Economy?

Dear Congress: We Want Our Money Back

Fiscal Cliff Woes Caused GDP Contraction: Heidi Moore

The Sequester Is Awful And Obama Didn’t Even Try To Stop It: Prof. Bill Black

Market Highs

The NASDAQ is at a 13-year high; The Dow just hit its 50th record high for the year with the S&P 500 right behind it. Can markets keep going like this? Are we in a bubble? Have we finally put 2008 recession jitters behind us?

Count your money while reminiscing over these record-breaking stories:

S&P 500 At Record High, Market “Sort of Toppy”: Rosenberg