COVID has driven 'unprecented growth' in golf: Callaway Golf CEO

Callaway Golf CEO Chip Brewer joins Yahoo Finance to discuss his company's earnings and the demand for golf equipment.

Video Transcript


ALEXIS CHRISTOFOUROS: Callaway Golf's third quarter earnings beat expectations, with revenue growth driven by high demand for Callaway's golf equipment and apparel products. Yahoo Finance's Brian Sozzi is joined now by Callaway Golf CEO Chip Brewer. Take it away, Brian.

BRIAN SOZZI: Thanks so much, Alexis. Chip, good to see you here. Thanks for taking some time. I really liked what you said on your earnings call. You said, quote, "When you invest in Callaway, you invest in modern golf." Talk to us a little about that.

CHIP BREWER: Thanks, Brian. And nice to be on with you.

We've really transformed this business over the last several years. And we started with one of the leaders in the golf equipment space, gained market share in that, and grew that business and now have added to that significantly with several key acquisitions and mergers in both the lifestyle apparel space and then most recently with Topgolf.

So we are now the leader in the, what I like to call, modern golf space, with a strong position in the traditional golf business but also the leading asset in the modern golf off-course sector, which is growing so significantly. We have an advantage in scale and reach to golf consumers of all types.

BRIAN SOZZI: I do want to talk about some of these acquisitions you have made, because I don't know how you're finding some of these. But you are light years ahead of many others in your industry with this. But just talk to us a little bit about your outlook for the golf industry next year. Has golf as a sport been reborn?

CHIP BREWER: Golf has got a lot of wind at its back right now, Brian. And it's got it coming from multiple directions because the reality is that COVID has really driven unprecedented growth in interest in the game, from rounds played, from demand for the equipment. We've never seen anything like this before.

I was talking to my team. And even we can't get tee times at local courses right now. There are so many people--

BRIAN SOZZI: That's wrong, Chip. That's wrong.

CHIP BREWER: I know, it is wrong. But we'll have to work on that later.

But then it's also benefiting from this great tailwind of Topgolf and off-course golf, where the number of golfers and the definition of a golfer is just changing dramatically. I mean, there's 24 million golfers in the US as measured by the National Golf Foundation. There will be 30 million people visiting Topgolf next year. And Topgolf, half of those will be golfers and half not. But it is going to be the avenue for further tailwinds and growth around the game. It's how you learn the game in the future.