How to find Pogue's stuff on Yahoo Finance

Since the day I joined Yahoo in 2013, the question readers have asked me most often is: “How do I find your articles?”

This question fills me with pleasure (since these people interested in finding my stuff) and disappointment (since they can’t find it!).

So here, all in one place, is the Guide to Finding Pogue’s Stuff—or any other writer for Yahoo Finance.

Way 1: Bookmark the Author Page

Yahoo maintains a neat, tidy, always updated list of every Pogue article and video. Here it is:

You can bookmark any Yahoo writer’s author page.
You can bookmark any Yahoo writer’s author page.

Every Yahoo Finance writer has a similar author page: Andy Serwer, Rick Newman, Brittany Jones-Cooper, Daniel Howley, Daniel Roberts, Ethan Wolff-Mann, JP Mangalindan, Julia La Roche, Melody Hahm, Nicole Sinclair, or Sam Ro.

Way 2: Subscribe by Email

There’s no way to subscribe to my articles through Yahoo, but that’s easily fixed.

Visit this page ( to find a list of every Pogue column and video. (This service,, includes my stories all the way back to 1998—from Yahoo and Scientific American and the New York Times!)

To get free email notifications of new stories, just enter your email address and click Follow, as shown in this screenshot:

Sign up for free notifications of my new columns at
Sign up for free notifications of my new columns at

Way 3: Use an RSS feed

This one’s for people who know or care what RSS is: a standard Internet system for getting subscriptions to your favorite sites. You can sign up for a bunch of RSS feeds, and then read them all in one place—at, for example, the wonderful It’s as though you’ve built your own newspaper out of your favorite sites.

All you need is the RSS address of the site you want to subscribe to. Mine is this (copy, don’t click):

Paste that into your favorite RSS site or RSS app. For example, at, click Add Source and then paste that address into the box:

(Yes, it’s the same address you paste into or And yes, you can substitute any Yahoo Finance author’s name in place of mine.)

Way 4: Google it

If you’re looking for a particular story I’ve written, use Google (or Bing, or Yahoo…) to find it. Search for pogue iPhone 7 review, for example, or pogue kidney stone guide, or whatever. The story you want usually pops right up.

There you have it: Four ways to find my stories, quickly and reliably.

The only thing left to write is this: Thanks for your interest!

David Pogue, tech columnist for Yahoo Finance, welcomes non-toxic comments in the Comments below. On the Web, he’s On Twitter, he’s @pogue. On email, he’s [email protected].
