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VANCOUVER, BC, March 7, 2024 /CNW/ - Metallis Resources Inc. (TSXV: MTS) (OTCQB: MTLFF) (the "Company" or "Metallis") today announces results from its recently completed data compilation program (the "Program") on the newly acquired Greyhound property (the "Property"). The Program included detailed analysis of geological and mining reports along with several recently discovered archived newspaper articles, providing the Company with an improved understanding of both the geology and mineralization along the 3.6 km Greyhound shear/vein. Metallis believes the large number of prospective showings highlighted on the property offer the Company multiple opportunities for the discovery of high-grade gold and silver.

Dave Dupre, Vice President of Exploration for Metallis commented, "Our research program was successful in uncovering over 20 archived newspaper articles about the property from 1895-1905 that had likely never been seen by previous operators. These articles described a significant mining camp on the Greyhound property and mentioned multiple bonanza gold grades with results as high as 35,226 g/t Au and 128,250 g/t Ag from the Bulldog Mine."

He went on to add, "We have also identified that a large amount of the past mining was achieved by driving adits horizontally along the Greyhound shear with no guidance from geological mapping, geophysical surveys, or diamond drilling. Although past operators were still able to return strong grades from historic adits, more recent work on the property has suggested the highest-grade mineralization is oriented vertically and provides opportunity for discovery above and below previously mined areas. The team is excited to apply this new knowledge as we utilize modern exploration techniques for the first time in this property's history."

Through use of multiple data sources, Metallis' technical team has been able to summarize the property's history and expand on the understanding of each prospective showing. When possible, more recent rock sampling and reporting has been prioritized.

Greyhound property map demonstrating significant silver/gold grades across multiple showings. (CNW Group/Metallis Resources Inc.)
Greyhound property map demonstrating significant silver/gold grades across multiple showings. (CNW Group/Metallis Resources Inc.)

Greyhound Mine

Exploration at the Greyhound Mine began in the late 1800's with the Upper Rufus Adit being driven into high grade silver/gold/lead/zinc shear veins discovered on Sulfur Creek. This adit was driven into the south side of Greyhound Ridge for approximately 170 m and provided material for the Greyhound smelter (stamp mill) erected in 1905 that also received material from numerous other showings across the property. Mining ceased and the smelter eventually was abandoned in 1910 with the collapse of silver prices.