The Atlantic

Obamacare Enrolls 6 Million People Just 4 Days Before Deadline

Arit John
Obamacare Enrolls 6 Million People Just 4 Days Before Deadline

President Obama said that 6 million people have enrolled in Obamacare during a call Thursday, according to White House officials. That means the administration reached its adjusted enrollment goal four days early. Enrollment has surged over the last few days as the March 31 deadline approached — over a million people have signed up for health insurance since March 17

After early technical failures on the federal exchange, as well as some state exchanges, the Congressional Budget Office lowered their estimate of first year Obamacare enrollees by 1 million. Since then various members of the administration have tried to lower our expectations. Given that the administration and several state-run exchanges have announced extended "special enrollment" periods, the question now is how close the administration will get to 7 million. The mix of healthy and sick is more important to the economics of the system, but the overall number is what will look a little better as Democrats head in to the midterms. 

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