Vivos Inc. Provides IDE Submission Status Update – Conversion to Pre-Sub Filing Accepted by the FDA

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Vivos Inc.
Vivos Inc.

Richland WA, July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vivos Inc. (OTCQB: RDGL), Vivos Inc. Provides IDE Submission Status Update

The FDA has been working diligently to review the extensive amount of material that we provided in our IDE submission within the 30-day statutory time limit. We have been in regular communication with the FDA and provided responses to five sets of Interactive Review Requests. Based on our communication with the FDA on Friday, we concluded that there was not sufficient time for completion of the IDE review process within the 30-day statutory period. Therefore, with the consent of the FDA, Vivos has elected to convert the IDE submission (G240159) to a Pre-Sub filing (Q241925). This strategic decision allows us to address the FDA's feedback comprehensively and effectively, while maintaining open communication through quick review sessions made available to Vivos with the FDA.

Based on our current discussions with the FDA, this week we should receive follow-up questions to fully analyze the risk/benefit device assessment of Radiogel?. We are confident that thus far our submissions have provided 90-95% percent of the information they require and that Vivos will be able to resubmit the refined IDE application with high quality responses demonstrating a compelling risk/benefit analysis to the FDA within the next 45 days.

We have been in regular contact with our collaboration partners at the Mayo Clinic and are well positioned to promptly submit, following receipt of the IDE from the FDA, our treatment plan to Mayo Clinic’s Independent Review Board (IRB). As previously discussed, the initial treatment target with Mayo for Radiogel? will be treating solid metastatic tumors in lymph nodes associated with papillary thyroid cancer. We remain dedicated to achieving full compliance and are confident that we will demonstrate a compelling risk/benefit profile to the FDA.

Michael K. Korenko, Sc.D.
President & CEO Vivos Inc

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About Vivos Inc. (OTCQB: RDGL)

Vivos Inc. has developed an Yttrium-90-based injectable Precision Radionuclide Therapy? medical device to treat tumors in animals (IsoPet?) and humans (RadioGel?). Using the company's proprietary hydrogel technology, PRnT? uses highly localized radiation to destroy cancerous tumors by placing a radioactive isotope directly inside the treatment area. The injection delivers therapeutic radiation from within the tumor without the entrance skin dose and associated side effects of treatment that characterize external-beam radiation therapy. This feature allows the safe delivery of higher doses needed for treating non-resectable and radiation-resistant cancers.