Xilam Animation: Successful Capital Increase With Preferential Subscription Rights Raises €3.68 Million

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PARIS, January 11, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News:

Xilam Animation (Paris:XIL), Academy Award?-nominated French animation studio, has successfully completed a capital increase with preferential subscription rights to raise €3,683,621.25 in cash by issuing 982,299 new shares at a unit price of €3.75.

The funds raised will allow the company to optimise its financial structure by rebalancing its balance sheet to improve its debt ratio to offset the rising cost of borrowing and more demanding lending conditions.

Subscription demand by the end of the offer period totalled 1,067,608 shares, representing 108.7% of the initial amount, distributed as follows:

- 638,171 shares based on existing holdings (irreducible);

- 429,437 additional subscriptions (reducible).

All subscriptions on an irreducible basis will be fulfilled.

Subscriptions on a reducible basis will be filled for 344,128 shares. The reduction coefficient is 0.179647990 and the allocation scale for shares subject to reduction will be published in a Euronext notice.

This led to a gross transaction value of €3.68 million, resulting in the creation of 982,299 new shares at €3.75 per share, corresponding to 100% of the number of shares initially offered.

The company's share capital following the capital increase will amount to €589,379.90 split between 5,893,799 shares, each with a par value of €0.10.

New shares are scheduled for settlement-delivery and admission to trading in Compartment B of the Euronext Paris market on 12 January 2024. They will be directly assimilated into existing Xilam shares, already traded on Euronext Compartment B under ISIN FR0004034072, with the ticker symbol XIL.

Dilution for shareholders who did not exercise their subscription rights represents 16.7%.


This capital increase through the issuance of new shares with preferential subscription rights was decided on 12 December 2023 by the Chief Executive Officer, following the sub-delegation of powers to him by the Board of Directors at its meeting on 12 December 2023, in accordance with the delegation of authority granted by the 15th resolution adopted at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 23 June 2022.

Marc du Pontavice—a direct and indirect shareholder through MDP Audiovisuel (421 603 473 RCS Créteil) and Xilam Group (539 985 788 RCS Créteil) (Marc du Pontavice, MDP Audiovisuel and Xilam Group, collectively referred to as the "Concert")—had made clear his intention to underwrite the capital increase up to 75% of its anticipated amount in the event that other Company shareholders did not subscribe to the offering.