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    Associated Press Finance

    Sensors can read your sweat and predict overheating. Here's why privacy advocates care

    On a hot summer day in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, dozens of men removed pipes, asbestos and hazardous waste while working to decontaminate a nuclear facility and prepare it for demolition. Instead, they wore armbands that recorded their heart rates, movements and exertion levels for signs of heat stress. Stephanie Miller, a safety and health manager for a U.S. government contractor doing cleanup work at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, watched a computer screen nearby.

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    Swiss finance minister chides US, Europe over 'time bomb' debt levels

    Debt levels in the United States and Europe are a risk for international financial stability and for Switzerland, Swiss Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter said in a newspaper interview published on Saturday. In an interview with Swiss daily Blick, Keller-Sutter extolled Switzerland's "disciplined" finances, which she said had enabled the country to deal with the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.