AMD unveils its AI strategy update

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AMD showcases its latest semiconductor designed for artificial intelligence usage. AMD CEO Lisa Su tells Yahoo Finance Executive Editor Brian Sozzi how these new plans are going to help shape the future of the company and the greater tech landscape.

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Major news in the battle for super chip dominance. AMD has revealed its most advanced GPU for artificial intelligence. It will start shipping to some customers later this year. Joining me now is AMD present chairman and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. Lisa, always great to get some time with you. Big day for your company.

I was going over the presentation. Maybe you could explain to the average investor out there what exactly did you unveil today and how important is it to the future of your company?

LISA SU: Absolutely. Brian, wonderful to see you as always. Thank you for having us on board. It was a big day for AMD. We unveiled a number of new products and a number of customers in our data center and AI efforts. On the data center side, we talked about, you know, new cloud capabilities with, you know, Amazon and Meta, as well as, you know, Citadel and a number of other customers.

And on AI, you know, everybody's talking about AI. We've been working in the AI field for many, many years. And, you know, right now this is the moment. You know, AI is like the defining megatrend in technology. And we just talked about our very new chip, MI300, which is really aimed at large language model, you know, for AI. So that's the big news of the day.

BRIAN SOZZI: And, Lisa, I always love the names. I've told you before, I love the names that you put on some of these products. This sounds like a chip I need even though I'm maybe not so sure what I'm going to do with it in my house. But nonetheless, what is the demand look like for some of these products? And when will you start shipping them?

LISA SU: Well, think about it this way, Brian, you know, everyone has sort of captured this whole idea of ChatGPT and generative AI and copilot functions using AI to help us in our businesses and our personal lives, making us more productive and more capable. And the underlying technology for that is GPUs. And GPUs are actually really, really hard to build. There's an incredible amount of technology on here.

We're talking about, you know, the most complex chip we've ever built. 153 billion transistors. And the whole purpose is to make AI much, much more accessible. So everybody who wants to use AI needs more GPUs. And we have a GPU that is incredibly powerful, very, very efficient, and we believe will be a significant winner in the AI market.