New Principal? Survey Finds Middle-Income Households Are Exceeding Their Retirement Savings Expectations

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DES MOINES, Iowa, November 11, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In a new survey from Principal Financial Group?, middle-income households are generally applying strong retirement savings habits and behaviors, even as they balance competing financial priorities.

According to the survey, Principal? Real Life Retirement Journeys, 77% of middle-income households (those with between $50,000 and $99,999) are saving for retirement at an average rate of 7.8% of their income before receiving additional contributions from their employers. Additionally, 40% of the middle-income household respondents anticipate their retirement will be better than the one they first envisioned.

"Americans should be encouraged to know the priority they have placed on saving for retirement is meaningful and beneficial to their futures," said Teresa Hassara, senior vice president of workplace savings and retirement solutions at Principal. "Many are within range of a recommended minimum savings rate of 15%1 when you include the typical employer match of 4-6%, which helps put them on the right path for a secure retirement."

In total, 93% of individuals surveyed said saving for retirement is important, even when it’s financially difficult. More than half said their retirement aspirations were first influenced by family members (65%) and/or friends or peers (52%). However, while family and friends were reported to be the most influential in inspiring them to start saving, the survey found employers, financial professionals, and retirement plan service providers to be increasingly more helpful sources of information when they began saving.

Most Influential vs. Most Helpful to Start Saving for Retirement


Most Influential

Most Helpful

Family & Friends






Financial Professional



Retirement Plan Service Provider



Principal reviewed the survey findings in tandem with personal finance expert Jean Chatzky2, CEO and founder of HerMoney, who shared, "As vital as our family and friends are to helping shape our values, beliefs, and opinions, there are often limitations on both what they know and what they can do to support our financial goals. Individuals who use resources offered through their employer’s plan – in some cases at no additional cost – or who get help from a financial professional typically express higher levels of confidence in their ability to make decisions and reach their goals. It’s important for people to understand their access to help does not depend on their age or how much money they have."