How to turn online gaming into a lucrative career: Advice from Youtube Fortnite sensation Lachlan Power

Fortnite has spawned a handful of gaming superstars, including a 25 year-old Australian named Lachlan Power. Yahoo Finance's Jen Rogers sat down with gamer asnd content creator Lachlan Power to talk about how he's turned a childhood passion into a very lucrative career on this THE NEXT: 21 to watch in 2021.

Video Transcript

LACHLAN POWER: My name is Lachlan Power and I'm a YouTube gaming content creator. And in 2021, I'll be focusing on building my gaming organization, PWR.


JEN ROGERS: So like Beyonce, you go by a single name. You have over 14 million subscribers on YouTube. You started out playing "Minecraft," but it is your "Fortnite" videos that can often be found on YouTube's trending videos. So when and how did you actually figure out that this could be a career?

LACHLAN POWER: So I think we just hit eight years. And it was actually pretty quick for me. The first month in, I think I was getting a couple thousand views of my "Minecraft" videos, which was insane. But at the time, I had a side hustle project, which was developing a "Minecraft" server. And I always have this memory of like there was one day where the revenue on that server made, I think it was like $1,000 in a day. And that was just like unbelievable money at that time. I was 17 at university and I was just like, I think I'm going to drop out and pursue this I think. And I haven't regretted that ever since.

JEN ROGERS: What did your parents think of that? Like did they try to convince you to stay or did they get it?

LACHLAN POWER: They were sad at me leaving at first, and then tried to convince me to go back for the next year, even though I was making really good money. But you know, the argument would always be there, this can't last forever. So I made it last forever.

JEN ROGERS: So how do you define yourself now? Are you a gamer? Are you a content creator? Are you an entrepreneur?

LACHLAN POWER: It's a good question. I would say content creator would be the overarching kind of description of what I do, but these days it's a lot more delving into game development, the whole ecosystem of content creators. And mainly it revolves around PWR, which is the eSports organization. We focus on a lot of game development stuff, working with our new content creators out in OCE. That's where we're starting out. We're just developing those as personalities within the space, helping them get the kind of tools and advice from myself on how to build their profile online.

JEN ROGERS: So how do you spend your day? Like how much of it is playing video games versus the business side of your job?